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Photography, 3d Cgi 3dCG Animation

Roberto Luzzitelli and Laura Danieli founded their production studio in Turin – Italy.

They grew up as photographers, and soon they implemented their skills by working in close contact with directors, post producers, digital artists, illustrators.

Thanks to a very special group of enthusiastic guys, they create exciting images and videos, for advertising, packaging, editorial and more.
Luzzitelli Danieli’s great team makes the impossible possible with photography, 3d Cgi  3dCG Animation and digital photo manipulation.
From the shot to the final image built with the utmost attention to detail, giving a high sense of realism and a fairytale feeling.
Working together is always a new growth opportunity.
Thinking outside the box is our talent, combined with a great passion, maximum care to obtain high quality 3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation results.
With over 30 years of creativity, we’re not done getting excited yet

Luzzitelli Danieli Productions cgi
Luzzitelli Danieli Productions 3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation

3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation

Roberto Luzzitelli e Laura Danieli hanno fondato il loro studio di produzione a Torino – Italia, sono cresciuti come fotografi,e ben presto hanno implementato le loro skills lavorando a stetto contatto con  registi, post produttori, artisti digitali, illustratori. Grazie a un gruppo molto speciale di ragazzi entusiasti, creano immagini e video emozionanti, per la pubblicità, il packaging, editorial e altro.
Il grande team di Luzzitelli Danieli rende possibile l’impossibile con la fotografia, il 3d Cgi 3dCG Animation e la manipolazione delle foto digitali.
A partire dallo scatto fino all’immagine finale costruita con la massima cura dei dettagli, regalando un alto senso di realismo e una sensazione da favola.
Lavorare insieme è sempre una nuova opportunità di crescita.
Pensare fuori dagli schemi è il nostro talento, unito a una grande passione, massima cura per ottenere risultati di alta qualità.
Con oltre 30 anni di creatività, non abbiamo ancora finito di emozionarci

3d Cgi 3dCG Animation

Roberto Luzzitelli et Laura Danieli ont fondé leur studio de production à Turin – Italie, ils ont grandi en tant que photographes et ont rapidement mis en œuvre leurs compétences en travaillant en contact étroit avec des réalisateurs, des post-producteurs, des artistes numériques, des illustrateurs. Grâce à un groupe très spécial de gars enthousiastes, ils créent des images et des vidéos passionnantes, pour la publicité, l’emballage, l’éditorial et plus encore.
La formidable équipe de Luzzitelli Danieli rend l’impossible possible avec la photographie, le 3d Cgi 3dCG Animation et la manipulation de photos numériques.
De la prise de vue à l’image finale construite avec la plus grande attention aux détails, donnant un sens élevé du réalisme et un sentiment de conte de fées.
Travailler ensemble est toujours une nouvelle opportunité de croissance.
Sortir des sentiers battus est notre talent, combiné à une grande passion, un soin maximal pour obtenir des résultats de haute qualité.
Avec plus de 30 ans de créativité, nous n’avons pas encore fini de nous exciter

3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
yellow submarine 3d cgi Luzzitelli Danieli Productions
3d Cgi 3DCG Animation by Luzzitelli Danieli productions
 Luzzitelli Danieli productions
Land Rover Luzzitelli Danieli productions 3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi 3DCG Animation by Luzzitelli Danieli productions
3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi 3DCG Animation by Luzzitelli Danieli productions
 Luzzitelli Danieli productions 3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
JAGUAR ADV Luzzitelli Danieli Productions
Luzzitelli Danieli productions 3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d Cgi and 3dCG Animation
3d cgi Luzzitelli Danieli Productions

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Via Ventimiglia 108

Via Giaglione 9

Turin Italy

+39 011 663.62.39



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Via Cadolini, 32 20137 Milano

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   L&A Artist   

347 West 36th Street,Suite 701
New York,NY 10018

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