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News May 2024

May News from Our Photography Studio: New Jobs for Comau, Ferrero Eat Natural, Kiko Cosmetics Milano and True North Seafood Company

May was an exciting month for our photography studio, with exciting projects that allowed us to collaborate with some of the most prestigious brands internationally. We are pleased to share with you the details of our recent work for Comau, Ferrero Eat Natural, Kiko Cosmetics Milano and our American client, True North Seafood Company.

News May 2024

Comau: Innovation and Technology

Working with Comau, a world leader in industrial automation, gave us the opportunity to capture the precision and efficiency of their industrial robots. The images, featuring a modern, clean aesthetic, were used in Comau’s new advertising campaign, underscoring their commitment to innovation and sustainability. Each shot highlights the synergy between man and machine, a central theme in Comau’s corporate philosophy.

Ferrero Eat Natural: Taste and Health

For Ferrero Eat Natural, we created a photo set that celebrates the freshness and wholesomeness of their products. The bright and vibrant photos enhance the natural ingredients and artisanal care of the cereal and nut bars. This project allowed us to experiment with natural light and creative compositions, resulting in images that reflect the brand’s philosophy: health, taste and naturalness.

Kiko Cosmetics Milano: Elegance and Color

With Kiko Cosmetics Milano, we explored the universe of make-up. The photographs, characterized by vibrant hues and refined details, capture the essence of Kiko’s elegance and modernity. Each shot was designed to highlight the products in a sophisticated way, highlighting the quality and variety of the Milanese brand’s cosmetic offerings.

May was a month of great successes and exciting challenges for our photography studio. We are proud of the work we have done and look forward to continuing to collaborate with these and other clients to create images that tell unique and fascinating stories. Stay tuned for more updates and news about our future projects!

True North Seafood Company: Freshness and Quality

Finally, we had the honor of working with True North Seafood Company, a leader in the American seafood industry. Our photos highlight the freshness and quality of their products, highlighting their connection to the sea and sustainability. We created images that evoke the purity and goodness of the seafood offered by True North, using lighting and composition techniques that enhance the natural colors and textures of the products.