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Jungle in 3d Cgi

Quando hai 2 giorni di tempo per realizzare l’immagine di una giungla hai tre possibilità’:

prima possibilita’,affitti un aereo privato ti fai lasciare in un aeroporto vicino ad una giungla, affitti un mezzo fuoristrada con autista che conosca bene la zona che ti serve e parti dopo esserti preventivamente vaccinato ovviamente da qualche conoscente che ti rilasci il documento necessario tempo 0

seconda possibilita’ cercare l’immagine su banca, ma già sai che ha già’ cercato il cliente e non ha trovato nulla ovviamente che rispondesse alle sue necessita.

terza possibilita’ utilizzare il 3d Cgi.

Questa immagine e’ stata realizzata, modellata,renderizzata e postprodotta in 2 giorni di lavoro (duro)

Certo saremmo stati capaci di realizzarla anche dal vivo e ci saremmo divertiti anche molto ma  a volte i Cgi ti toglie veramente dai guai.

Un po’ di dati tecnici:

Project entirely made in 3D cgi, with Cinema4d, Maya, Vray. We started from an advanced concept to correctly structure the room position, and the plants to be inserted inside to recreate a naturally correct environment. We created advanced textures with external flooring mapping software. With the use of 3d sculpture we have created realistic trunks and roots.
As lighting we had thought of reproducing a low light with visible volumetric light beams to create a more backlit ecosystem.
With Vray’s Environment system for C4D, we were able to correctly express this suggestive situation set in our jungle!

When you have 2 days to make a jungle image you have three possibilities:

first chance, rent a private plane, let yourself be dropped off in an airport near a jungle, rent an off-road vehicle with driver who knows the area you need well and leave after being vaccinated in advance of course by some acquaintance who will issue you the necessary document time 0

second possibility to look for the image on the bank, but you already know that he has already searched for the customer and obviously has not found anything that meets his needs.

third possibility to use the 3d Cgi.

This image was created, modeled, rendered and post-produced in 2 days of (hard) work


Jungle in 3d Cgi Luzzitelli Danieli productions