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Candies Colorful, chewy, sugary, fragrant and… irresistible! Yes, we admit it: taking these images for Lindt and resisting Candies was difficult. But what is the history of candyes? How did they come to our days crossing centuries and eras? We did a little...
Tablets Shooting

Tablets Shooting

Tablets Shooting In collaboration with Spider adv, which worked closely with the Ferrero team to communicate at the point of sale the launch of the new Chocolate Tablets inspired by the iconic Ferrero Rocher praline, we created the images of the bars The challenge: to...
Our latest Hamburgers shots

Our latest Hamburgers shots

Our latest Hamburgers shots.Stepping back into the past, exactly in 1891 in the city of Hamburg in Germany, we find a German cook, Otto Kuasw, struggling with a new technique of cooking sausage. Otto had decided to take the sausage out of its casing and then flatten...
Oggi, risotto!

Oggi, risotto!

Oggi, risotto! Risotto allo zafferano, agli asparagi, pere e gorgonzola, ai funghi… e via libera alla creatività in cucina! Sicuramente uno dei piatti preferiti dagli italiani, arriva sulle nostre tavole portando con sé una storia lunga secoli e ricca di...