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Luzzitelli Danieli BLOG . We all have a story, or something that sets us apart. Indeed, to tell the truth we have so many, so many that we can consider ourselves unique and unparalleled.

Our story is what makes us special.
Stories are what make us experts, passionate, proud of ourselves and of what we are.
We would like to tell with this blog the passion for our work as photographers, digital artists, post-producer video makers, etc. etc. We would therefore like to spread our emotions, our effort, and the satisfaction for the realization of the images or films that are commissioned to us.
But also everything that inspires us daily, artists in the world who with their works help us to create new suggestions for new works.
Here is the luzzitelli danieli blog

AI Automotive Design

AI Automotive Design

AI Automotive Design Realizing  AI automotive design with artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field known as "AI in automotive design." Integrating AI into the automotive design process can lead to a number of benefits, including accelerating the design...

The Gallop of Past:

The Gallop of Past:

The Gallop of  Past: In the collective imagination, the Victorian mansion embodies an era of elegance and sophistication. These lavish residences, characterized by elaborate architecture and masterfully manicured gardens, are a reflection of a bygone era of opulence....

Loneliness in crowding

Loneliness in crowding

"Loneliness in crowding" Loneliness in crowding is a concept that refers to the feeling of being alone or isolated even when surrounded by many people or in a crowded environment. This feeling can result from a variety of factors, including the absence of meaningful...

AI and Cgi art

AI and Cgi art

AI and Cgi art In the digital age in which we live, artificial intelligence (AI) and Cgi graphics are giving rise to a new way of creating visual art, and a fascinating example of this convergence is the depiction of dogs with glasses. These fascinating and often...

A Journey into Digital Art

A Journey into Digital Art

A Journey into Digital Art Maya is one of the most versatile and powerful software for creating digital images, widely used in the animation, special effects and design industries. Although it is best known for its ability to create 3D models and animations, Maya can...



ART AND COSMETICS One might ask what links art and cosmetics, two seemingly diametrically opposed worlds. The former touching the depths of the soul, the latter limited to the outer layer of the skin: one, eternal, the other, superficial.   Yet, they are united...

Palindrome Perfection

Palindrome Perfection

Palindrome perfection Palindromes are fascinating linguistic constructions that have been enjoyed for centuries. These are words, phrases, sentences, or even numbers that read the same way forward as backward. Palindromes have been used in literature, poetry, and even...

Photography and AI

Photography and AI

Photography and AI Midjorney's artificial intelligence should not be demonized.Images are images. Photographers now make images almost digitally even if some still use film. In the 90s we converted to digital, first with scan backs that we used on the view camera,...



Candies Colorful, chewy, sugary, fragrant and... irresistible! Yes, we admit it: taking these images for Lindt and resisting Candies was difficult. But what is the history of candyes? How did they come to our days crossing centuries and eras? We did a little research...

Tablets Shooting

Tablets Shooting

Tablets Shooting In collaboration with Spider adv, which worked closely with the Ferrero team to communicate at the point of sale the launch of the new Chocolate Tablets inspired by the iconic Ferrero Rocher praline, we created the images of the bars The challenge: to...

AI and Rabbits

AI and Rabbits

AI and Rabbits. The theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translation between languages.Midjourney is an artificial...

Fragrance and Color

Fragrance and Color

Fragrance and Color These images represent tests carried out to make a product shot in this case a perfume.Choices of lenses, types of lighting (flash or continuous light) are fundamental to approach the image you want to make and that you need to share with creative...

cosmetics shooting

cosmetics shooting

Cosmetics Shooting Here are some examples of images made by us for a well-known cosmetics company.The contrast between the fluidity' of the liquid and the bristling leaves help the product express its potential'After little use in prehistoric times, cosmetics played a...

Portrait Photograph

Portrait Photograph

Portrait photograph Starting with this photograph we took at one of the last shoots, we want to share with you some thoughts we have been dwelling on. How do you make a portrait photograph? A seemingly trivial question, but one that is not so trivial and indeed...



Kaleidoscope If the meaning of "photography" is "writing with light," it goes without saying that without light it would be impossible to photograph. We have always maintained this: experimenting with light is the essence of photography. And in making these images we...

Oriental Sensuality

Oriental Sensuality

These are the latest shots taken by us in the "Oriental Sensuality" series.We often hear about "fascination with the Orient": from history books to literature to everyday chatter! A phenomenon that spans the centuries and is still revealed today in so many areas:...

Polaroid and Portraits

Polaroid and Portraits

Polaroid and Portraits Polaroid images represent the culmination of a long research path that led us to select these latest works, with large-format Polaroids (20 x 25 cm)Polaroids represent the true trademark of our work that began back in 1988. In this unprecedented...

Gold and Klimt

Gold and Klimt

Gold and Klimt Impossible not to think of Klimt when looking at these images. And it is precisely his imagery that inspired us in making these photographs. Founder in 1897 of the "Viennese Secession," Gustav Klimt proposed a new style, combining painting, sculpture...

The fascination of beauty

The fascination of beauty

The fascination of beautySo what intrigues us so much about fashion and beauty photography? "Without a doubt, the process of creating a shot. The actual moment of photography, when the styling and lighting have been completed and the only thing needed is to capture...

Ferrari SF90 3dCGI Project

Ferrari SF90 3dCGI Project

This project is for this marvelous car from the house of Maranello,the Ferrari Sf90 in 3dCGI,created in-house by our studio, with cinema 4d e renderizzato con v ray.The name itself gathers the true meaning of what has been achieved in terms of performance - the...

Our latest Hamburgers shots

Our latest Hamburgers shots

Our latest Hamburgers shots.Stepping back into the past, exactly in 1891 in the city of Hamburg in Germany, we find a German cook, Otto Kuasw, struggling with a new technique of cooking sausage. Otto had decided to take the sausage out of its casing and then flatten...

Stop the war!

Stop the war!

Stop the war !The plastic toy soldier is like the ones I played with as a child.He is not colored but monochrome,all green plastic with his classic pedestal.He has the helmet the cartridge box but not the rifle.We thought of modeling him not as the tin soldier from...




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Via Cadolini, 32 20137 Milano


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347 West 36th Street,Suite 701
New York,NY 10018

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